FAI Youth Cup Final
The date has been set for the FAI youth Cup Final where we take on Leeside from Cork. The match is set for 2pm on Sunday April 30th in Jackman Park. Put in in your diary straightaway!!
Soccer Sisters
Great fun was had at the girls Easter Camp last week.
Easter Camp
Boys and girls are enjoying the Easter Camp run by the Total Football Academy this week.
Team Limerick Clean-Up
Thanks to everyone who came and helped in the clean-up on Good Friday.
Coffee Shop
Open every Saturday morning from 10am – 1pm. We are looking for volunteers to help out in the coffee shop. If you can give an hour of your time please contact Rebecca on 086 3547614 or Rachel on 087 2544494.
League Tables Results from Junior, under 17s/18s and schoolboys matches and league tables can be checked on: www.limerickjuniorsoccer.com
For girls: U18s play in LWSSL http://www.lwssl.com/temp/underage/u18lg.php U12/14/16 play LCDUL http://www.limerickcountysoccer.com/competition.aspx?oId=1003&id=1847#.WCg9AbS6ChA
Goalkeeper Coaching
Goalkeeping Coaching with Eamonn Doyle continues on Mondays on the Astro at the following time slots:
Up to the age of 14 – from 5 – 6pm
For ages 15 to Senior Level – from 6 – 7pm.
