FAI Summer School
The club is delighted to run a FAI Soccer School once again this summer. The camp will commence on Monday 2nd July. Book now on https://camps.fai.ie/summer-soccer-schools/
Match Reports
Under 18B
It might have been FA Cup Final day in Wembley, but locally the real match-of-the-day on Saturday 19th May 2018 was on the Astros at Annacotty where the U18B Aisling Annacotty Team finished their Nick Green Youth Division 2 League campaign on a high with a well-deserved 5 – 4 victory over Shelbourne. David Leahy jun. arrived in time for the kick-off but just after the team had been selected, and so was our only sub, there being one notified absence and one second-hand unnotified absence.
After conceding two goals in the first 10 minutes Aisling Annacotty settled and on 12 minutes Brian O’Donnell’s shot hit the back of the Shelbourne net. On 26 minutes Tommy Canty’s shot ricocheted off Brian O’Donnell before making it 2 – 2, with both players claiming this goal. James White scored a cracker on 32 minutes and Diarmuid Doherty followed up with a fine goal just 2 minutes later to leave it 4 – 2. Some fine defensive work and saves by goalkeeper Aodhan Frayne couldn’t keep Shelbourne out and Niall Connaughton was unlucky to see his clearance ending up in the back of the Aisling Annacotty net to make it 4 – 3 to the home side at half-time.
Shelbourne scored just two minutes into the second half to equalise the game at 4 – 4 and Niall Connaughton was very unlucky not to get on the scoreboard with a 30-yard rasper that rebounded off the crossbar. Diarmuid Doherty scored his second of the evening, with a helpful deflection off a Shelbourne defender to give the home side the lead again on 58 minutes. Two minutes later Tommy Canty passed superbly to James White who narrowly missed the target.
Manager David Leahy sen. had been holding onto David Leahy jun. as a sub on account of the full commitment of all the players on the pitch and fearing injuries. This proved vital, when Hugh Corrigan had to depart the pitch with a pulled calf muscle on 65 minutes, having given his all.
Stout defending by Niall Connaughton, Evan Power, Brendan O’Brien and David Leahy jun. along with saves by Aodhan Frayne kept Shelbourne out for the following twenty minutes. David Leahy sen. was cautioned by the referee for assisting injured Ishaan Conroy on the pitch in the 75th minute and three footballs were lost when they were kicked out of the park during this frantic period. Aisling Annacotty’s midfield of Jack Considine (two shots and two assists for the day), James White, Diarmuid Doherty and Ishaan Conroy got on top again for the last ten minutes which included shots from Evan Power, Brian O’Donnell and James White and after running up the wing David Leahy jun. held the ball up in the Shelbourne corner in the 85th minute in an effort to wind down the clock.
Shelbourne had one final chance to draw the game with a free kick awarded to them well into added time but Aisling Annacotty were not to be outdone and cleared the lines. All-in-all a well-earned victory for the U18B’s in the final match of the season and an early present for Manager David Leahy sen. who celebrated his birthday the following day. Afterwards, a few beverages were consumed (including some minerals!) and dart games took place in the Black Swan, Annacotty to celebrate the end of the season.
And so, ends LDSL and Youth Soccer for most of the players and their Manager. We have great memories to look back on like the 2011/2012 U12 Division 2 Cup Final appearance and Maurice Leahy winning the LDSL U13 Division 2 Player of the year in 2012/2013. Special thanks to Brian Doran, Denis Doherty, Tom McArdle, Liam Murray and David Leahy sen. for managing the team over the years, thanks to all the players who participated on the teams since we all started with the Under 6’s, and finally, most of all, thanks to the parents for getting the players to training sessions and the matches.

Team Photo:
Back Row: Evan Power, Jack Considine, Hugh Corrigan, Brian O’Donnell, David Leahy sen. (Manager), Niall Connaughton, Brendan O’Brien, James White.
Front Row: Tommy Canty, Ishaan Conroy, David Leahy jun., Aodhan Frayne, Diarmuid Doherty
Girls U16s League Cup Final
Aisling Annacotty 1-1 Charleville AET, 3-2 on penalties
Our U16 girls defended the league cup yesterday, on penalties, after a bruising match in Kilmallock against Charleville. Our team got off to a less than ideal start when, after only a few minutes of play, Tara O'Sullivan of Charleville was left alone out front and smashed the ball into the net. Indeed, the first half an hour was a challenge, as we took some time to adapt to Charleville's physical play. Aisling Doran however, led the team with her absolute commitment to running every ball down and not backing off any challenge put to her by the opponent's bigger players.Our back line of Aoibhin Hayes, Captain Sarah Cleary, Ide Ni Ifearnain,and Karen Byrnes fought hard to keep Charleville's forwards at bay. Keeper Abby McCarthy pulled off several top class saves to keep the deficit to one at half-time. The 2nd half started and with the winds at our backs, we began to put some pressure on their defence. We almost equalised when a great run by Laoise Ní Aodha finished with her shot just flashing past the far post. The match continued to be a hard-fought battle with the rain, wind and the importance of the game making good football difficult to accomplish. A very obviously injured Emma Costelloe and Sarah Hall competed well against a tough Charleville midfield. With about 15 minutes left in the game, a bit of good fortune resulted in our equaliser. After a storming run by Alicia O'Callaghan down the right-hand side, her cross rebounded off the ref and back to her. She calmly lofted the ball over the goalie and Ni Aodha was there to put the ball into the goal. Amy Costelloe, Emer Ryan and Anna Carr did their part to keep the game even. Susan O'Shea's introduction into midfield was crucial as her strength and fine play prevented several attacking runs by Charleville from developing into scoring opportunities. The rest of the game, including 20 minutes of extra time was a ding-dong affair, with Aisling Doran's endless running and tackling finally resulting in debilitating cramps, and the rest of the team was seriously running out of steam. And so it was left to penalties to decide the outcome. The 1st players for each team shot over the bar as the tension was felt by all players, coaches and supporters. Sarah Cleary settled the nerves by scoring the 1st penalty for the team. Keeper McCarthy was unlucky when she dove and got a hand to the ball but couldn't quite push wide Charleville's next shot. Emma Costelloe restored the lead for Aisling when she coolly slotted it past the keeper. A fine penalty from Charleville brought things level but Laoise Ni Aodha put us into the lead once again with a low unstoppable shot. Next there was a crucial save from McCarthy as she pushed the penalty over the bar to keep us ahead. With the last 2 players not scoring, the cup was ours once again! Congratulations to all the players, coaches and supporters on a fantastic end to a great season of football.
U16 B team
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The Aisling Annacotty Under 16 team that reached the Division One cup final and finished the 2017/18 season runners up a very strong Newport Town team.
Aisling Annacotty Squad: Colm Mohally, Perry-Donovan Mboo Tabot-Ndip, Jeffery Hogan, James Lane, Cian Grace, Paul O’Shea, Billy McMahon, Tom O’Hanlon, Peter Donohoe, Eoghan O’Driscoll, Eoin O’Sullivan, Stephen Maloney, Christopher Nwankwo, Thomas McCarthy, Conor Carew, Ryan Power, Danny Lipper, Alan Conway, Harry Doyle.
U13 Lions Competition
//attachment.outlook.live.net/owa/AislingPRO@hotmail.com/service.svc/s/GetAttachmentThumbnail?id=AQMkADAwATY0MDABLWU4YTMtNTgwZi0wMAItMDAKAEYAAAMansKhWbLQRqTAes2192aXBwBToFTYQrMgR4CCiYtR%2FzyaAAACAQwAAABToFTYQrMgR4CCiYtR%2FzyaAAIoIcBiAAAAARIAEACqj9okj2gxQqELU%2FeW4A4s&thumbnailType=2&X-OWA-CANARY=QllguIM4uE6ViIx7ifQihUCgoGpUxdUYgzZqBJh1l61zlw47hfCcRRFVzsd2ABCQAKLwDEeAuXU.&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjA2MDBGOUY2NzQ2MjA3MzdFNzM0MDRFMjg3QzQ1QTgxOENCN0NFQjgiLCJ4NXQiOiJCZ0Q1OW5SaUJ6Zm5OQVRpaDhSYWdZeTN6cmciLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.ZU5KLIan-obEFjCX98FGiwFl3Fku22qIJyzBhTpyXOuQp8DHlxM3ux2q7yKxUIRLVG3Cm4E02jD8Q0ufBlnlXzr93qrb9_TTpdQYSpJnSIoo2N4iLCPXHQwizYLefQKpWqzvnw0Q6JcgQ-WIbbf6gNsGZGrI67iHxTNJP5ZqGJvuSaaXWM96nmv3TbLc8XJ6_LxxYq0UNb2zeA9suYNEaHiux3moL0jgUFeNTaXmfcZlZSZ5tQvmb5Njo5T3tXwzcDvFr_VZU7VOqTo1IbK7b93XsGmoElRdtA5hiY64pJQArEb5kztQfhEK2H0sBZyHNkh1T3T32fpOyuGROhpQag&owa=outlook.live.com&isc=1″ style=”max-height: 499.29px;max-width: 788.54px;border: none;font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold;height: auto;line-height: 100%;outline: none;text-decoration: none;text-transform: capitalize;”>
The Aisling Annacotty and Newcastle West Rovers teams that represented their clubs in LIONS U13 YOUTH FOOTBALL COMPETITION 2018.
The Aisling Annacotty players, parents and coaches would like to thank Castletroy and District Lions for sponsoring the team in this prestigious national tournament
Aisling Annacotty: Alex Purcell, Confidence Ogbeide, Oisin Coleman, Eoghan Brady, Myron Butler, Fergus Butler, Conor Clancy, Jack Doyle, Dara Ferland, Conor Gavan, Luke Hession, Anton Kolganovv, Timothy Josh Lazo, Eamon MacNamee, Ethan O’Donovan, Conal Purcell, Oisin Quinlivan, Cathal Quirke.
Well done to our U14 girls who won the Maloney Cup. Great comeback from 3 nil down to win 3 – 1 on penalties!
Our 15B team won the U 15 Division 1 Cup Final with a 4 – 1 victory over Geraldines.
The 15 A team completed a league and cup double, winning the cup on penalties over Janesboro FC.
Congratulations to our 12C team who were presented with the league title following a league playoff against Carew Park which they won on a 3-2 scoreline.
Our U12Aalso completed a league and cup double, winning the league with a 2-0 scoreline over Fairview Rangers.
Our 13A team won the LDSL Premier Cup Final with a 2 – 1 win over Pike Rovers.
Coffee Shop
Please continue to support our Saturday coffee shop. Remember that all funds generated support the club.